Sunday, March 27, 2011

Month of Photography in Denver

Accolades to Mark Sink for organizing the Month of Photography. We were out of town in early March so missed the openings of many of the shows. We went out Sunday afternoon to catch two: the closing day of exhibit at Edge and the two shows at RedLine. The impact of all this photography on exhibit is marvelous- it certainly affirms how diverse the medium is and how pretty limitless it can be a art medium. Traditionally Unconventional is the show at Edge curated by Jessica Ellis and John Davenport with work by Susan Goldstein, Carol Golemboski, Kristen Hatgi, Davis Kaleda, Jocelyn Nevel, Christopher R. Perez, John Rodden, Rett Rogers, David Sharpe, Sarah Timberlake, David Seiler, Keiren Valentine, Michele Wysocki, David Zimmer. Lots of good stuff. I particularly liked Susan Goldstein's small mixed media prints. They demand a close up look- I wish I knew how she does it.
The two shows at RedLine are up till April 26th. The Alternatives Processes exhibit includes an array of early techniques like Daguerrtypes, tintypes, platinum prints,and all kinds of wonderful processes. As beautiful as the results are I was rather disappointed that the imagery was so reflective of historic work. It was a bit deja vu and led me to wonder how more contemporary images would look like using these processes.

The larger show is an exhibit from Houston's FotoFest as well as a smaller exhibit of work Mark found on line and locally. Both are knock down terrific exhibits- we spent lots of time there and I want to return. Some highlights were Andy Freeberg's( see above) large prints showing the reception desks of Chelsea galleries. It says all that needs to be said about the clubby, unfriendly atmosphere of high end galleries. I loved Viviane Le Courtois' video of peeling potatoes ( Ok, you gotta see it) Emma Livingston's luscious photos of Argentina and Ion Zupcu's black and white prints of cubes.
Go to for all the details.